Brooklyn Eviction Defense - Supplementary Reading

Organizing, Researching, and Tactics

Anti-Eviction Movements and Campaigns

People’s movements take to the streets against evictions throughout Brazil

by Landless Rural Workers’ Movement

The Passion of 964 Park Place

by Ari M. Brostoff

When Our Neighbors Are Under Attack What Do We Do? Stand Up Fight Back

by comrade equis

Eviction Blockade Organizing Checklist

by Los Angeles Tenant Union

Has your landlord illegally evicted you? Are they threatening to? 

by Tenants United – Hyde Park & Woodland

Notes from May 16th Tenant Town Hall – Eviction Defense 

from Tenant Town Hall – ATUN

Strategies for Eviction Resistance: 

with Savina Martin, Glyn Robbins, Rebecca Garrard and David Harvey

Community Defense Zine 

by Brooklyn Eviction Defense

Buying Time: Evictions and Tenant Organizing at the Pandemic Slow End

by Nathan Eisenberg and Daniel Tutt

Tenant Organizing Videos

How to Build a Tenant Union, Part 1

by Socialist Housing Organizing Project


How to Build a Tenant Union, Part 2

by Socialist Housing Organizing Project
