How we plan to fight back collectively.

If you are experiencing harassment, intimidation or threat of eviction from your landlord, we can help!

We can offer support to fight back against the many forms of landlord violence. Call Brooklyn Eviction Defense (917-982-2265) so we can devise a plan that best suit your particular situation. Be it a finding out if your being overcharged and demanding a rent decrease or pushing back against harassment; the main objective should be talking to your neighbors and starting a tenant association to make sure your power is permanent and these problems don’t persist. We’ve won thousands of dollars in overcharges. We’ve got repairs done that prior to our organizing went unheard by management. We’ve re-entered homes for tenants after landlords had illegally changed the locks. We’ve done physical eviction blockades by standing between the landlord and tenants so they could not be evicted. We’ve sent letter with our organizations logo to show the landlord the tenant has a community institution backing them. We’ve done targeted shaming campaigns to put fire to landlords feet. These are all ways to let the landlord know you are not alone! Therese are all the ways we keep control of our housing!

Do not self-evict!

You can only be legally evicted after a judge hears your case in housing court and orders an eviction, and then only a city marshal can actually evict you – this all takes a long time. If you receive a notice from your landlord you can call Brooklyn Eviction Defense at (917) 982-2265 and we’ll be there to talk through what it means, how you can protect yourself, and how your neighbors can support you to fight back.

What if my apartment needs repairs?

Under NY State law all leases have a Warranty of Habitability. If your landlord isn’t responding to requests for repair you should document the problems — this is a breach of your lease on part of your landlord. Written correspondence is good – emails, text messages, etc. that show that you let them know about the problem and they have done nothing to resolve it. You can call 311 to file a complaint up to twice a day, and you can also send a formal letter of complaint using this online tool at This is leverage we can use against the landlord to win back rent, go on rent strike and ultimately get the repairs you deserve done.


You can withhold rent!

You’re sending your landlord a large chunk of your income every month, it’s their responsibility to make sure your home is safe and warm at the very minimum. The law on the books that gives you a right to a safe and habitable apartment in New York State is called the Warrant of Habitability.

Have you given your landlord a notice in writing of a serious hazard in the apartment, and allowed reasonable time for them to resolve the issue? If you are still dealing with pests, safety hazards (doors that do not work, windows that won’t close), inadequate heating, harassment, or other serious issues, it’s time to let them know you won’t pay rent until the problem is resolved. Withholding rent is a negotiation tactic intended to prompt immediate action. You will still be responsible for paying rent after the problem is resolved, and your landlord could technically sue you for nonpayment. However, if that happens you can file a countersuit because your landlord broke the law by breaching the warrant of habitability. Many times, landlords will make repairs WAY BEFORE they will sue for nonpayment. Suing is costly and tedious, and the landlord knows that you will likely pay the rent as soon as conditions are improved. 

Talk to us about dealing with your landlord before a court case ever happens. Some of us know how to make the necessary repairs your landlord is refusing to make.

Join the fight!

Go talk to your neighbors — if your landlord is making your life miserable, chances are they’re doing the same to other folks in your building. Build a tenant association, connect with your local housing justice organization, and get involved with BED. There are over five million renters in New York City, and if we are sufficiently coordinated, we could shut the whole City down.